When you purchase a seasoned authorized user primary tradeline from ustradelines.com we guarantee that the seasoned authorized user primary tradeline will post to your credit report or we will refund the cost of the seasoned authorized user primary tradeline you purchased. One of the most frustrating things when you are trying to repair your credit is to purchase a seasoned authorized user primary tradeline and find out later that the authorized user tradeline that you expected to post to your credit report did not show up.
When a tradeline fails to post to your credit report this leads to wasted time and money at the very least and depending on what you needed the tradelines for it could be even worse.
Rest assured ustradelines.com guarantees that our seasoned authorized user primary tradelines available for sale will post to your credit report. If for some reason an authorized user tradeline does not post to your credit report, we will refund your payment. All our tradelines are extremely reliable and we have never had a tradeline not post to a client’s credit report. We are able to achieve this distinction by testing our tradelines before we present it to the public.
The terms of the refund are as follows:
You must report the failure to post and request a refund before the billing cycle you paid for is over. Typically most of our seasoned authorized primary tradelines will post to your credit report within a week from the beginning of the billing cycle you paid for.
You must provide a complete copy of your credit report to show that the seasoned authorized user primary tradeline you purchased did not post to your credit report. The credit report should be printed during the billing cycle that you paid for.
Provide us with access to your credit monitoring account before the billing cycle you paid for is over so that we may verify that the authorized user tradeline failed to post.
We will not refund a purchase that failed to post because you provided inaccurate social security number, or date of birth.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Here is more information about our seasoned primary tradelines that are guaranteed to post
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